work/life balance

What is your work life balance? Take the quiz below. You don't need to fill in the email. To find out your score:
Scoring: Give yourself 1 point for each “true” response. Note that each “true” response is a sign that you probably need to make changes in your life -- and the higher the number, the more critical it is for you to make changes in your lifestyle.

Take the work life balance quiz

I got a 12 on the test; I guess my work/life balance is screwed big time...

So I went on an interview the other day. It's very empowering. Although I'm not any closer to leaving the industry I've worked so many years to get into. I work in the entertainment industry within Los Angeles, and unfortunately it's not as glamorous or exciting as it seems when you ten years old. I've known what I've wanted to do since I was a freshman in High School, and I have had a very persistent attitude in chasing my dreams. I'm not exceptional at what I do, but I've become accustomed to hearing "no" or "your work just isn't good enough" a thousand times. And each time I hear those words, it makes me work 10xs harder. The problem is, during the process of chasing my dreams, I somehow got lost along the way. I focused on the goal and not the journey. Remember, if your chasing your dreams, it's more about the journey than the final destination. To appreciate the final goal and your dream fully, you need to stop and smell the roses every now and then. I did not do this, and once I arrived at my dream, I was exhausted and burnt out. On top of that, I discovered that the entertainment industry was extremely competitive and exhausting. There isn't much time for friends and family, and unfortunately this seems to be the case for many other industries out there. It shouldn't be this way, and I am searching for a career that provides good work/life balance.

I walk into a dark studio, people are friendly and casual, although there is a pit of artists grinding away on the latest and coolest artwork. All young, mostly single, men working there. In fact, I even caught one of the interviewers eyeing my wedding band. Not because it was your typical entertainment executive (gay), but because I'm sure they were noting that this guy had a personal life. In any regard, everyone there was much more friendly than most studios, and ultimately I was impressed by the professionalism displayed. Everyone was honest about the 10-12 hour workdays, and the 6-7 day work week; WTF! This is precisely why I'm looking into other careers. Don't get me wrong, what I do is fun, although the industry I'm in doesn't leave any room for family and friends. And that's not good...

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"Let's face it, most of us spend the majority of our waking moments at work -- and yet few of us are actually doing work that we're passionate about. But who says it has to be that way? VocationVacations is the only company of its kind. We offer our clients (“vocationers”) one- to- three day, hands-on, dream job immersion experiences under the tutelage of expert mentors. Our mentors are passionate about what they do and are committed to sharing their knowledge and experience with individuals who dream of walking in their shoes. We are a catalyst that helps vocationers begin a long-term, strategic process of transitioning into work that brings meaning and fulfillment to their lives. At VocationVacations, we believe "work" can be much, much more than just a four-letter word. That's why we've made it our business to offer you the chance to test-drive your dream job -- completely risk-free! No need to quit your day job. No need to tell the boss. Just spend a couple days on a VocationVacation, working one-on-one with a VocationVacations Mentor, to see what your dream job is really like."

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