HR is there to help, right?

I keep hearing human resources is there to help the employee. And it should be that way, right? I would imagine that the individuals in human resources are passionate about helping people get ahead in their careers, although I've come to learn over the years that human resources exists to help the company get ahead. Now this is not always the case, although it seems to be the case in most large companies. I personally have become friends with many HR representatives at companies within small or mid-size companies, and many HR people DO care about people and their careers. Although, fair warning, be very careful talking to HR, and if you can help it, never get on their radar. They can be very dangerous. I recently read in an article that informs us to contact HR if we are having problems with our job. This is crazy talk people, and I'm sure many of you are aware of it.

"Are long hours conflicting with child care? Ask about flex time. If you need more training, find out how you can get that. Is a position less glamorous than you thought? Ask for some additional, more compelling responsibilities."

the New Job Is a Letdown - hotjobs

If you work for a large company or a company driven by a strict corporate culture, do not inform human resources with your feelings. Especially do not inform human resources that your unhappy. Keep it to yourself. See if you can open up opportunities within the company. If moving to another group or position isn't encouraged by the company, then it will be very difficult for you to make this happen. Get the experience and money you need from the company and move on. Remember, these companies are using you, so you should use them for everything they are worth. If you have time at work or during down time, work on your skills or personal projects. Use your time at work to get ahead in your career. Remember, you were hired to fill a position of need for your boss. If you express to your boss and HR that you might not be perfectly content helping them, then they will probably begin to look for your replacement; behind your back!

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