Get what your worth...

"I'm right out of school, and I really have no idea what I'm worth. How do I figure out what I should get paid? I don't want to get ripped off!"

Fortunately for all of us, the government hooks us up from time to time. I guess we should get something for our taxes, right? In any regard, one of the most valuable resources I've come across is the FLC data center (foreign labor certification). The site exists to protect foreign employees from getting ripped off in our wonderful country. I got to ask though, where the hell is the slc data center (student labor certification data center)? Students and young employees are getting ripped off all over the place due to lack of information regarding wage expectations. Whatever, the big man is probably hoping that Ma and Pa will hook us up with this valuable information.

So here it is:

The site will let you look up a location and position, and it will give you a very detailed summary report regarding the position. For example, I looked up "Computer Software Engineers, Applications" within the Los Angeles area. The FLC data center will then give you a ton of information ranging for position responsibilities to wage ranges. Isn't this freaking great. And since it is the world wide web, even us pure breaded Americans can use it too. Something like this will come up under wages:

Median wages (2005) $37.06 hourly, $77,090 annual
Employment (2004) 460,000 employees
Projected growth (2004-2014) Much faster than average (36+%)
Projected need (2004-2014) 268,000 additional employees

If you click further for state information, the site will take you to:

Ahhh, so this is the site for everyone. Very nice, and I apologize to the Man, the big g.o.v. I stand corrected, free salary information for everyone!!!

If you search some more on this site, you should be very well armed the next time you need to ask for a big fat raise.

I'm a bit disappointed in the new search engine they added to this site, and I don't know if this is still hidden somewhere on the site, but you could actually search by company. When you would search by company, it would actually show you the registered employee salaries for the company. I remember when I went armed with this information into one of my meetings; my boss almost crapped her pants. What can you say to that. Check it homey, the government says you pay this and your competitor pays this. PWNED!
Search a bit for that information, because that really will make your argument solid. The data could still be on the FLC data center's site.


Anonymous said...

From someone who would be termed a consummate “job hopper,” I have never had too much success negotiating a higher salary. That door has always been closed to me- at least until my present job. I was able to finagle an extra $10K out of my present employer for the sole reason that I got another offer from a competing firm. hehehe

Anonymous said...

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